ABC 3-6 years in English, Lundby

Welcome to ABC!

ABC parent group is for parents with children ages 3–6 years old. During the group sessions you will have the opportunity to talk to and share your experiences with other parents. You will receive tips and support to help you in your role as a parent. The sessions are 2,5 hours long and are lead by educated ABC group leaders. 

Session one - Show love
The first session is about making close relationships work. Through discussions and simple exercises, you can practice how to focus on what works in your relationship with your child.

Session two  - Spend time together
The second session is about the daily interaction between you and your child. Can conflicts be prevented? Through discussions and simple exercises, you practice ways in wich you and your child can spend your time together.

Session three - Show the way

The third session is about applying calm parenting. How does stress affect parenting and how can we deal with anger? Through discussions and simple exercises, you practice being a role model for your child.

Session four - Choose your battles
The fourth session is about reducing bickering and fighting in the family. Which battles are worth fighting and which can be avoided? This meeting is about how ABC can be applied in everyday life.

Follow- up session
At some point after the course we will meet up again. We will then talk about how the course has contributed to a daily life with fewer conflicts. We will also have a brief in-depth discussion on a current theme.

The parent group sessions are free of charge and refreshments are provided. Please let us know if you have any allergies when you register, we will do our best to meet your needs. 

Register by clicking "Boka" and fill in your contact information. 

This course is held in English and lead by English speaking group leaders!  

We offer free refreshments (let us know if you have any allergies).

If you have any questions, please contact the group leaders:

Karin Stenberg

Jeevinder Kaur Anand